Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Blast Spotlight: Little Brother

The Giant Blast has a one on one interview with Rapper Big Pooh (one of the two emcees in our Blast featured group Little Brother).  In this brief interview Rapper Big Pooh discusses why LeftBack will be the group's last album, and reveals more answers to what the fans are dying to know. 

The Giant Blast:  Why is The Left Back the last Little Brother album? 
Rapper Big Pooh: Leftback is the last album because Little Brother has ran its course.  Phonte and myself have arrived at a point where its better we end as friends than continue and ruin a business and a personal relationship.
The Giant Blast:  Who all did you work with on this LP?
Rapper Big Pooh:  Khrysis did most of the album but we also have King Karnov, J Bizness, Denaun Porter, S1, Zo!, and Young RJ doing production. Features are Bilal, Darien Brockington, Yahzarah, Jozeemo, Chaundon, Median, Quiana Russau, and Truck North.
The Giant Blast:  What types of subjects are you touching on this project?
Rapper Big Pooh:  This is our first record where we didn't really make it concept driven as far as the individual songs. The only songs with real concepts or topics are "Curtain Call" and "Table For Two." "Table For Two" is a record about putting work to the side and treating your significant other to a night on the town. "Curtain Call" is us letting the people know that this is the final chapter in the Little Brother saga. 
The Giant Blast:  What does Rapper Big Pooh get into besides the music?
Rapper Big Pooh:  Rapper Big Pooh is a sports fanatic.
The Giant Blast:  So what's next for Big Pooh after this album?
Rapper Big Pooh:  After this album I have an EP with an artist by the name of Roc C that will be out this summer. I am also working on finishing up my sophomore album, Dirty Pretty Things.
The Giant Blast:  If things could be patched up with you all and 9th Wonder, would you like to and all work together again, or do you feel that things happen for a reason and it's just best to keep things the way they are?
Rapper Big Pooh: Things happen for a reason. The magic we once had is long gone. What we did was not as simple as just picking beats to rap over. We had synergy. We no longer have anything close to that.
The Giant Blast:  Where do you see hip hop and 5 years?
Rapper Big Pooh:  Hip Hop in 5 years will be fine. Everything evolves then revolves.
The Giant Blast:  Is there anything else you would like to plug?


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