Tuesday, September 13, 2011

DJ Colossal's I-Pod Pick: Mr. Boom Boom Bang "Fa Sure" (Video & Song)

I have to admit I didn't jump on this single on the first listen, not because I felt that the song was wack or anything like that though.  The song just didn't stand out or hit me at first.... but after playing the video back a few times it really began to stick with me.  I even found myself singing the "beat it 'till it's wet" part of the hook in the same style that Mr. Boom Boom Bang does throughout my day.  I will surely spin the record to get the crowd's reaction to it and if they warm up to it the same way that I eventually did I have no problem getting behind this single.  Even if it takes someone awhile to warm up to the actual song, I can't front the beat does give off some "heat".  Check out the song and video below.

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